Azienda Mario Giribaldi
Azienda Mario Giribaldi Barbera d'Asti Alma this wine has a ruby red color. In the scent it has a balsamic note and aromas reminiscent of ripe red fruit. In the mouth the wine is dry, fresh, fragrant and has hints of red fruit. This wine exemplarily follows the typical characteristics of Barbera d'Asti: elegant and energetic!
The Giribaldi winery started at the beginning of the 20th century and has been producing wines for three generations. In these days times were hard, and farming was not only a means of income but also a real pride for those who loved their land, it took blood sweat and tears to make a living and a price for it paid. Ultimately, Azienda Mario Giribaldi has grown into an excellent winery.
The wines of Mario Giribaldi are almost all grown organically, which in turn benefits people and nature, Giribaldi's top wine is his Barolo Ravera Organically made and from a special piece of vineyard with the highest quality.
Area Italy, Piedmontgrape
Variety Barbara
Bottle 0.75 l
Alc perc 13.5 %
Winery Azienda Mario Giribaldi
Food Red meat, stews, cheeses, game, lasagna, stew
Allergens Sulfite
Class DOCG
Year 2020
Type Biological
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